غريبٌ في بلادي

November 8, 2010 at 9:47 pm (Prose Poems, Qatari culture, Society)

غريبٌ في بلادي

أرى أناس لا يفهمون كلامي

ملابسهم لا تخفي عيوبهم

و نظراتهم تلاحقني كالطاعونِ

أحدثهم بالعربية

و يرُدُّون علي بالافرنجية

و يضحك من حولي ويقول: غير متعلمة

ولكن .. ألستُ في بلاد عربية؟

بلاد ذات أعلى مُعدل دخل في العالم؟

كيف؟ و أبٌ لا يملك لعائلتة مكيف في هذا الحر القاتل

بينما أطفال مايكل

مستمتعسن مجاناً بين الأكاديمية .. و الدرجة الأولى .. وأساباير

أهلي انفسهم ليسوا هم

القيل و القال أهم من الحلال  الحرام

انت قطري و انا قطرية

ولكنك هولي و انا قبيلية

و انت أسود و أنتي شيعية

يصرخون الدين  .. الدين .. الإسلام


أين العدل؟ أين الحق؟ أين الإكرام؟

العبائة فوق الرأس

واللسان أحد من الفأس

و اللحية إلى السرة

و العين على فتاة تلعب بالكُرة

إلى من الجأ؟

إلى الغريب الذي يراني متخلفة

أم إلى الناس التي تراني متمردة

إلى من .. إلى أين يا بلادي؟


  1. G. said,

    your words..
    short sentences, big meanings,
    unfortunately they’re all true, this is reality :’)
    please write more of these things here ;P

    Thank you,

  2. G said,

    I love your words and i have couple of things to say

    we live in a society where appearances are everything .. there are invisible rules that are set by invisible people .. i wonder who are they ? what gives them that right to control our lives?
    you hear this most of the time ” its not 7ram but what about people?” , if something is not 7ram then why do we have to build and shape our lives in order to satisfy those invisible judges…..!

    another thing is that ..” klna Qtr” .. how ? do we really mean that or its just another facade we set .. another one of the masks that we wear.. !!

    and Yes we cover up but that could never be a measure of respect.. a woman can cover up from head to toe but still is not a very respectful person.. we forgot why we cover up,, the essence of the 3abaya! ..

    I think that we should respect our society and our traditions but not when it is controlling our lives .. if a person is not doing something religiously 7aram and no one is hurt then why would that person sacrifice ,, and to satisfy whom?

  3. Amal said,

    So true, you’ve reflected my feelings
    And many others I know for sure share the same thought
    Thanks a lot .. And hope ur voice gets an echo
    All the best

  4. Genesis said,

    In a recent article by prominent Qatari writer  Abdulaziz Al Khater he wrote, we are a society without cause!
    Over the past year, many locals constantly complained about expats as a prime reason for many of their problems while not taking a stand to improve despite the potential given to them through many  education initiatives  
    Only with education , the mindset of people can evolve.
    In today’s Doha debate , a Qatari audience member asks what will democracy bring to Qatar now? The motion’s speaker responded that the conditions in Qatar are not right yet. Democracy comes from bottom up not Vice versa.
    But what is the public’s demand ?
    Over  local Internet forum, most demand that the government pay off their loans! Can the national  demand be limited to wrong personal choices of some?
    Many Qatari intellectuals tried raising  awareness about the Importance of civic society institutions. Not once there was a any reaction from the general public. 
    In fact ,  Intellects were” witch hunted” by conservatives and called seculars
    Without the existence of cultural mobility there is very slight chance of any public demand.  

    • mimizwords said,

      People who fight for change face more challenges from other Qataris than foreigners. They are accused of being ungrateful, pessimistic and most importantly – unpatriotic. What to do? Keep going forward until one day we have more of the second category than the first? or simply forget about it, live and let live?

      The flame which fuels the passion for change might go off one day. It is a very frustrating situation and one has to be strong to reach the final goal.

      I think that there is a need for more awareness. Awareness about everything from how to eat well to eliminate diabetes and obesity among children and adults; planting more trees to improve air quality; building social support networks and more participation in decision making.

      I didn’t read the article but I will definitely will. Thank you for your contribution.

  5. حكآيهـ ! said,

    كلآم سليم 100 %
    حلوو البوست لمآ يكون بالعربي


    وبأختصـآر گلْ الظواهر سوى الايجابية او السلبية
    الحاصله حالياً في الدوله من سبآيبنآ كلنآ لنآ يد في هالموضوع
    واستوينآ اغراب داخل بلدنـآ ..

  6. N. said,

    Everyday. Every single day I feel like I wake up to face a war that my society has waged against me. My own society that chooses to ostracize me, alienate me, bully me, undermine me, denigrate me just because of the person I am. In turn, I do my very best to contribute productively to the development and progression of this society, by looking out for other Qataris, lending my voice to their plight, getting involved in as many activities and non-profit volunteer organizations as possible, encouraging other like minded Qataris to do the same and what do I have get in return? I am made to feel lesser of a human being, sub-human, and I am supposed to accept as if it were the natural order of things. You see, in their minds, it is justifiable in our culture, in our society, in the name of our perfect, flawless religion. Never mind the fact that the very people who spout off all these judgments, this hatred, this unbearable prejudice are guilty themselves of committing heinous sins, sins that are a grievous affront to their religion if they truly adhered to it as they often claim, as well as it being an affront to other people, but its okay, it alright because its the lesser of evils!! it is okay to treat, berate, belittle, insult, harm another human being, or many, than accept people who are different than them, even when that persons lifestyle doesn’t affect them whatsoever. On the other hand, my own country, the same country that touts and flaunts itself as this infallible democratic state, this utopia if you will, turns a deaf ear so easily to the plight of its citizens, all the while claiming the opposite, that we are being heard, that our issues are not ignored, that we are vindicated! The very people that are supposed to protect us are the very ones oppressing us! On one hand, I empathize greatly with my fellow countrymen about feeling disenfranchised and ignored, and on the other hand, these very people I feel a solidarity with would turn against me in the blink of an eye and ‘burn me at the stake’ so to speak just because of who I am. It is an intolerable situation, more than any human beings capacity to endure, and yet I have to go on, because its never just about you! I am expected to suffer for the sake of others. My own family, who I love dearly, would not hesitate in a heartbeat to disown me if they knew..and in turn my society would disown them if others knew..and I love them too much to inflict that on them. Never have I seen such a society so selfish, so inconsiderate that the suffering of one person becomes a dilemma for others! You are not alone mimi, and I suspect that there are many others who feel the same way we do, and we can only hope for change, because that is all we have..to cling to this glimmer of hope that someday, people can just let others be…until then, our suffering is the price we have to pay..

  7. Tamimi said,

    بصراحة بالرغم من بسطاتها, كلماتك معبرة و في غاية الروعة و تستحق أن تكتب بماء الذهب. بارك الله فيك و عيدكم مبارك.

  8. mahaaw said,

    كم اعجبت بكلماتك المعبره اللتي توصف حال امتنا اللتي اصبحت تافهه في حب المظاهر
    واصبحت تفكر بشكل سطحي
    اهنيك على ماقدمت يمناك
    اشكرك جزيل الشكر 🙂

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